It took Denny Krahe awhile to develop his passion for running, but now it is a bigger part of his life than he could have ever imagined.
Denny has built a business around his love for running over the past several years. His podcast, Diz Runs Radio, was launched 4 years ago and he has published more than 600 episodes! In addition to the podcast, Denny is also a running coach and the author of the book Be Ready on Race Day.
In his presentation for the pasta dinner, Denny will be discussing a relatively simple question to ask that is anything but simple to accurately answer: why do you run?
Denny has discussed this question with many of the runners he’s spoken to on his podcast, but very few have been able to clearly explain their true reasons for running. By the end of his presentation, you will be able to communicate your unique reason for running much more clearly than you could before the presentation began.Denny Krahe
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